
Talk on 'Conservation of the Royal Collection at Osborne'

Tuesday 15th August 2023

10 am (meet at 9.40am)

In the Education Room at Osborne

Cost £5 ( to include a coffee and biscuit)

Emma Hallums and Kirsty Huggett who are responsible for the Conservation of the Royal Collection will talk about their role as collection conservation assistants and how they care for the collection at Osborne and other sites in the South East. It is a fascinating insight into how the Royal Collection is cleaned and the ways it  needs to be protected from light, humidity, bugs and pests!

Meet at the green gate outside Petty Officers' Quarters at 9.40 am

Talk on 'Conservation of the Royal Collection at Osborne' form

Printable form

Membership number
Number in your group
Names of others in your group 
Payment amount

Number @ £5 

Please state payment method.  Our preferred method is BACS 

BACS - HSBC Bank - A/C No 71781472 - Sort Code 40-34-26 

Cheque made payable to FRIENDS OF OSBORNE

BACS reference (if you have instructed your bank to make the transfer)

Please use 'Conservation' as your BACS reference

Date cheque sent (if payment by cheque)

Cheques to be sent to Friends of Osborne, Osborne House, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6JX

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