Talk on Princess Beatrice and the Carisbrooke Museum
Thursday 9th May 2024
11:00 - 12:00 (meet at 10:40)
In the Education Room at Osborne
Rosemary will be talking about the founding of the museum and the challenges of its early years, in the context of Princess Beatrice's life: how the founding of the museum in 1898 was a response to personal tragedy; how she was able to take a personal interest in the museum during her times of residency at the Castle; and how she made plans for the future of the museum just before her death in 1944.
It won't be a talk on the life of Beatrice, but Rosemary will be touching on aspects of her life and personality.
Cost £5 (to include a coffee/tea and biscuit)
Members will be met at the green gate outside Petty Officers' Quarters at 10:40 am and given a lanyard. Please do NOT come through POQ.