
Visit to Quarr Abbey BOOKINGS NOW CLOSED

Wednesday 22nd May 2024


Wednesday, 22nd May at 2.30.

The cost will be £12.50 which includes a donation to the Abbey.

This will be a private guided tour of the Abbey by Dr. Dominic Fontana,  Chair of the Friends of the Abbey.  Dr. Fontana has an extensive knowledge of the Abbey and is an active broadcaster contributing to several documentaries geographical and historical having formerly taught post graduate and undergraduate geographical information systems at the University of Portsmouth.

Following the tour, refreshments will be provided in the garden, weather permitting or in the cafe if need be.  After tea feel free to visit the museum, (no extra charge) the art gallery also the book shop and retail shop selling all interesting items from the Island. Please feel free to bring along friends. 

Parking is easy and we will meet in the Abbey courtyard at 2.15.

Visit to Quarr Abbey BOOKINGS NOW CLOSED form

Printable form

Membership number
Number in your group
Names of others in your group 
Payment amount

Number @ £12.50

Please state payment method.  Our preferred method is BACS 

BACS - HSBC Bank - A/C No 71781472 - Sort Code 40-34-26 

Cheque made payable to FRIENDS OF OSBORNE

BACS reference (if you have instructed your bank to make the transfer)

Please use 'Quarr Abbey' as your BACS reference

BACS payment date

Date cheque sent (if payment by cheque)

Cheques to be sent to Friends of Osborne, Osborne House, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6JX

Please use this area to inform us if you have any mobility issues.
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