
Carols in the Courtyard

Friday 15th December 2023

Friday 15th December @ 6.00 pm

Come and join us at our annual Christmas social event in the Courtyard of Osborne House.

Starting with the lighting of the brazier, enjoy a glass or two of warm spicey Gluhwein, or hot chocolate, together with traditional Christmas fayre such as Stollen, Mince Pies and other tasty nibbles (Gluten free available).

Take part in our Secret Santa Raffle with mystery prizes and enter the Best Christmas Outfit Competition.

Sing along with our 12 piece ukulele band, to your favourite Carols and Festive songs.

Ticket price for this exclusive event, including drinks, nibbles, and entertainment, is £15.

Bookings can be made using the form below.

Carols in the Courtyard form

Printable form

Membership number
Number in your group
Names of others in your group - please put NONE if you are on your own
Payment amount (Number @ £15)
Please state payment method Our preferred method is BACS

BACS - HSBC Bank - A/C No 71781472 - Sort Code 40-34-26 

Cheque made payable to FRIENDS OF OSBORNE

BACS reference (if payment made via bank transfer)

Please use 'Carols' as your BACS reference

Date of BACS payment

Date cheque sent (if payment by cheque)

Cheques to be sent to Friends of Osborne, Osborne House, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6JX to arrive by 8 December

Please use this area to inform us if you have any mobility issues and dietary requirements.
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