
Chairman’s Report for August 2022

Monday 1st August 2022

including news of a new benefit for members

Dear Members,

I hope you have all been enjoying this very hot Summer but you are probably all hoping for rain, especially as the hose pipe ban comes into force on the Island.

The Beach Party at the end of July was a great success. It was a beautiful evening and everyone enjoyed listening to Captain Paul and Lindsay who entertained us all with their sea shanties. The Solent sparkled and we all had a wonderful view of Queen Mary 2 as she cruised past. The beach cafe was open and members were able to arrive at the beach in the brand new electric mini bus.

Our next event is the 360 Degree Guided Tour from the roof top of Osborne on Wednesday 31st October. This is always a very popular event with members, as the general public don’t have access to this unique experience. 

Friends of Osborne are happy to announce that we have been able to gain a new benefit for our members.  All members are now eligible for a concessionary flat rate Green Fee to play at Osborne Golf Club.

Work has started on turning our old rooms into an Education facility. The hope is they will be ready for the beginning of September but it may well be October. This was one reason that no talks were arranged until then.

I can now confirm dates for some more events and talks. Members have already voiced interest in Stephan Roman’s talk on October 6th and Toby’s walk down to the beach on October 20th for a Trafalgar Day celebration.

Booking forms for all events will be released six weeks prior to the event and details can be found on our website.

New events are :

More details of these events can be found on our web site.

Look forward to seeing some of you at our next event. Enjoy the summer and try to stay cool.

Kind Regards

Allison Rogers

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