
Chairman's Newsletter - June 2022

Wednesday 1st June 2022

Dear Members, 

Our first event, a drinks party on the terrace, on Thursday 19th May, was a great success. There were just over thirty members present and David Bailey gave us an update on Osborne House and how it was emerging from the lock downs of the past two years.  Four of David’s team were there to chat with us and enjoy the delicious canapes that Jacqui’s catering team had produced, and we all enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with old friends over drinks and mocktails.  

Hopefully many of you will be at the Quiz on 24th June which is open to both members and their guests.  For full details and entry forms: 

Click here to view/download/print the details:  Quiz Night Details 

Or to complete the online form here: Quiz Night Online Form 

We have other events planned, including the Beach Party on 15th July, and are in the process of organising more fundraising activities.  Further information will follow shortly.  

I’m pleased to report that Osborne have bought a defibrillator (with a paediatric add on) with funds raised by Friends of Osborne.  Osborne have given us a wish list and we will keep members up to date with purchases we make.  Before and after photos of the some of the fencing we recently purchased, together with a site map of its location, can be seen below in the attached pdf. 

 Estates Fencing Repairs 2021 

Also, below is a picture of the beacon being lit at Osborne on Thursday night as part of the Platinum Jubilee Celebrations.  I hope many of you were able to enjoy the May half term events held at Osborne.  Victoria’s family fun days saw over 7,650 visitors with a further 4340 coming to the ‘Kid’s Rule’ event.

Kind Regards


Contact: Helen McComb, Secretary – secretary@friendsofosborne.org

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