Newsletter - Spring 2021
Tuesday 1st March 2022
Dear Members
A new beginning for Friends of Osborne
From a very positive AGM, held at the Terrace Restaurant on 24th February 2022, a new management structure for Friends of Osborne has now been put in place, with the support of all members present, with the aim of forging a new relationship with Osborne House.
Three new Trustees, Maureen Moorman, Helen McComb, and Adrian Johnson were unanimously elected at the AGM, together with Trustees Philip Palmer and Alison Rogers and existing Committee members, will now form our new management structure.
After discussion with David Bailey, Head of Historic Properties for English Heritage at Osborne, it has been agreed to restore free access to the grounds, (thus ending our monthly allocation of 150 visits per month), which will be operative from 1st April.
To this end we will need to reactivate our membership, after it was extended to 31st March 2022, for all members.
New plastic membership cards will be issued, which will be computer linked to allow for easier access to Osborne.
Our existing library in our old rooms is to be amalgamated with the Osborne library to create an educational facility with greater access to all.
Recent projects that the Friends have funded, include the restoration of the weathervane on the clock tower and the repair of some of the iron fencing adjacent to Swiss Cottage. Future projects that we have been asked to help with include the rethatching of the children’s tool shed at Swiss Cottage and the refurbishment of the tools within.
Our new management team will restart a programme of future events for our members, with some old favourites, and we welcome any new ideas.
It is our intention to hold a coffee morning for all members to meet David Bailey to further cement our new working relationship with Osborne House staff.
Mr Philip Palmer, Acting Chairman
Contact: Helen McComb, Secretary –