
Message from the Chair of Trustees

Wednesday 21st April 2021

Dear Members

English Heritage has brought to our attention that some of our members are not using the agreed booking process (the previously circulated phone number) and are trying to book tickets via the EH website as an Associated Organisation.  Can I remind everyone that this is not permissible and that we must adhere to the current arrangement.

This has apparently occurred on a number of occasions recently when our allocation had been reached and members are trying to find a way around the system we have in place.

We have also been told that some members turn up, knowing that our allocation has already been used, and then suggest that they are unaware of the booking system and are still trying to use their cards as we did pre-Covid.  Again, this is causing consternation for EH staff and members and will only result in being turned away.

We are in the process of finding a date to sit down with management at Osborne, when we will discuss all of the current arrangements and how a lifting of various restrictions recently and in the near future, will beneficially impact upon our members.  We will update you all once we have news on this.

In the meantime, please stick with the current booking system, don’t turn up claiming no knowledge of what has been agreed (if anyone remains in doubt, please contact the Secretary on email address below) and don’t forget that standard admission charges or EH membership remain options for us all!

Rob Flower
Chair of Trustees

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