Newsletter - 2nd April 2021
Friday 2nd April 2021
Dear Members
I hope the onset of Spring finds you all well and looking forward to the end of various restrictions.
You may have seen in the County Press and on line the exciting news that the weather vane, which we have contributed to the repair of, has been reinstalled atop the clock tower. Pictures are available on our Facebook page and Osborne management have circulated a press release acknowledging our contribution.
The Friends committee are now looking to put together an events programme and I know they would welcome any ideas you may have. These can be sent to our Secretary, details of which are at the bottom of this letter.
The Trustees also hope to be able to add to the events programme with our usual Gala Dinner with our patron Dame Judi Dench, subject to her availability. We are meeting with English Heritage in the next couple of weeks to find out what their opening regime will be and also to get dates in the diary for events and hopefully our AGM.
On behalf of the Trustees, I wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Easter.
Secretary: email
Please note new phone number: 07785924323