
German Twinning Association, New Year Event

Thursday 30th January 2025

Dear Members and Supporters

The German Twinning Association would like to extend the invitation to attend our New Year dinner to members of your organisation.

The dinner will be on Thursday 30th January 2025 at The Isle of Wight College Restaurant, Medina Way, Newport PO30 5TA commencing at 6pm for 6.30pm.

The menu is as follows:
Curried parsnip soup with rosemary croutons and parsnip crisps
German pancake with crispy egg yolk and garnish
Smoked mackerel pate with croutes and watercress.
Pork with dauphinose potato, tender stem broccoli and chorizo cream.
Watercress crusted fillet of hake, squash puree, kale stem and potato salad.
Tomato and chickpea curry with beetroot bhaji and rice (v).
S'mores cheesecake with raspberries.
Apple and cinnamon strudel with ice cream.
Citrus and almond parfait with biscotti and berry compote.
There will be a bar with German beer available.

Price: £15 per person including staff gratuity. This event is open to members/supporters and their friends.

If you would like to attend this event please reply to Helen Jackson, 25 West Avenue, Lake, SANDOWN PO36 9LT or email to: rosemount25@yahoo.co.uk  along with your menu choice and payment, NO LATER than 5th January 2025. Cheques should be made payable to : "Isle of Wight German Twinning Association" or alternatively if paying by bank transfer the account details are as follows: NAME IOW German Twinning Association.  SORT CODE  30-95-99  ACCOUNT NUMBER  00588544. 

Yours sincerely
Bob Blezzard
Isle of Wight German Twinning Association

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