
Chairman's Newsletter - May 2024

Monday 13th May 2024

Dear Members,

We have enjoyed three events since my last newsletter. Toby gave a very informative and interesting tour of the terraces and gardens in his Spring Colour walk.  And a bonus was it didn’t rain! 

Click here for a brief report and photos of the event Friends of Osborne | 2024 Spring Colour Walk

Both our recent talks proved very popular. Mark Earp gave an entertaining and informative talk about Island Curiosities, including a picture of a ‘cannon hole’ in the wall at Quarr, used to fire out over the Solent. Apparently, it is the only example of its kind in the country. Rosemary Cooper gave a fascinating talk about Princess Beatrice and Carisbrooke Castle Museum. These were the last of the talks planned for the Spring but there are already two talks arranged for the autumn.

Osborne had a very busy Easter period with record visitor numbers for March. Families very much enjoyed the Big Brick Build, where they created a Lego model of Queen Victoria. All areas of Osborne are now open except for the upstairs of Swiss Cottage. There has been lots of positive feedback from visitors now being able to visit the Table Deckers Room, which had been closed for several years due to damp.

During May half term, ‘Victoria’s Family Day Out’ will run from May 28th to 30th. Friends of Osborne can join the fun, but will have to pay an ‘uplift’. However, membership enables Friends of Osborne to enjoy the Kid’s Rule event, on either side of Victoria’s Family Day Out, for no additional charge.

Click here for further information Osborne | English Heritage (english-heritage.org.uk)

Now the weather is improving, members can really enjoy the beautiful grounds at Osborne. However, we do ask that members bring photo ID. The staff at Admissions are told to check ID so please don’t be offended when you are asked to show it. Having a photo stuck to your membership card is not acceptable.

Our next event is the Visit to Quarr Abbey. This is on Wednesday 22nd May. Booking for this event will close on Wednesday 15th, as we already have forty members booked. For those members joining us, please arrive at the car park soon after 2pm. From the car park, follow the path bearing left towards the Farm Shop under the arch, where one of the committee will be waiting to give you a lanyard and take you into the courtyard for 2:30pm.


We now have the final details for many of our planned events for the summer and can give details and links to booking forms.

Hidden Osborne Tour on Friday June 7th

with Christopher Warleigh-Lack.

Please click below for more details and the booking form

Friends of Osborne | 'Hidden Osborne' - Tour by Christopher Warleigh-Lack


Ladies’ Lunch on Friday 21st June

 at 12:00 In the Terrace Restaurant

Please click below for more details

Friends of Osborne | Ladies' Midsummer Lunch


The Walled Garden Drinks Party on Wednesday July 3rd.

Please click below for more details.

Friends of Osborne | The Walled Garden Drinks Party


Visit to East Cowes Boat Museum on Wednesday 10th July.

Please click below for more details.

Friends of Osborne | Visit to East Cowes Classic Boat Museum


Photographic Competition

April’s winner was ‘April Showers at Osborne’.  Click here to see this and the other entries for April. Friends of Osborne | April 2024 - Photo Competition Entries | Friends of Osborne.  Please submit your photos for May.  Winners of our monthly competitions receive an extension to their Friends membership.

I hope you all enjoy the month of May and that the sunshine continues. It was lovely to meet so many of you at the last two talks and I hope to see some of you at Quarr Abbey later this month.

Best wishes

Allison Rogers

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