Annual Quiz Night
Friday 13th September 2024
Membership number
Number in your group
Names of others in your group (Please state NONE if applicable)
Payment amount
Number @ £17.50
Please state payment method. Our preferred method is BACS
Paid by
BACS to HSBC Bank - A/C No 71781472 - Sort Code 40-34-26
Paid by
Cheque made payable to FRIENDS OF OSBORNE
BACS reference (if payment has been made via bank transfer)
If possible, please use 'Quiz' as your BACS reference
Date of BACS payment
Date cheque sent (if payment by cheque) to arrive by 6 September
Cheques to be sent to Friends of Osborne, Osborne House, East Cowes, Isle of Wight, PO32 6JX
Please use this area to inform us if you have any mobility issues or dietary requirements.