
2023 360 Degree Tour

Friday 21st July 2023

What a Glorious View

Fifty of our members, in 2 groups of 25, enjoyed the stunning 360 degree view of the Osborne Estate and beyond, from the Pavilion rooftop, on a beautiful sunny Friday evening.

Cameras were in abundance, together with binoculars, as our members took numerous photographs from this unique viewpoint

Our EH host for the evening, Dr Welstead (Therron), gave an informative talk about the history of the construction of the House, with many insights into Prince Albert’s involvement with the innovative ideas on the heating and plumbing of the property.

A fruit ‘Summer’ cup was served, tasty nibbles were distributed and enjoyed by all, before we were escorted back down through the house with many happy memories.

Our hosts for the evening.  David (event organiser) with Helen and Dr Therron Welstead

Our hosts for the evening. David (event organiser) with Helen and Dr Therron Welstead

Members enjoying the view from the Pavilion rooftop

Members enjoying the view from the Pavilion rooftop

A passing P&O cruise ship

A passing P&O cruise ship

View towards the Solent and beyond

View towards the Solent and beyond

Barton Manor Farm in the distance

Barton Manor Farm in the distance

The clock tower in the late evening sun with the weather vain renovated with the aid of funds from the Friends

The clock tower in the late evening sun with the weather vain renovated with the aid of funds from the Friends

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